Debt Capital Markets
We have acted as legal advisers in respect of the issue of:
Redeemable Bank Guaranteed Bonds of RM50.0 Million with Warrants by AIC Corporation Berhad
Murabahah Commercial Papers and Medium Term Notes Programme of up to RM150,000,000 in nominal value by BSA International Berhad
Floating Rate Bonds of RM350 Million by Cellular Communication Network (Malaysia) Berhad
Redeemable Bank Guaranteed Bonds of RM200.0 Million with TSRs by Commerce Asset-Holdings Berhad
Bank Guaranteed Non-Convertible Redeemable Bonds of USD160.0 Million with Warrants by Faber Group Berhad
Redeemable Secured Bonds of RM300.0 Million with warrants by FACB
Redeemable Bank Guaranteed Bonds of RM40.0 Million with TSRs by Federal Furniture Holdings (M) Berhad
Floating Rate Bonds of RM200.0 Million and Floating Rate Bonds of USD50.0 Million by Genting Sanyen Newsprint Sdn Bhd
Redeemable Fixed Rate Secured Bonds of RM82.0 Million and non-interest bearing short term negotiable Commercial Papers of RM30.0 Million by Genting Sanyen Paperboard Sdn Bhd
Redeemable Convertible Secured Notes of RM290.758 Million by Gula Perak Berhad
Irredeemable Convertible Secured Loan Stocks of RM192.375 Million by Gula Perak Berhad;
Redeemable Bank Guaranteed Bonds of RM40.0 Million with Warrants by Malaya Glass Berhad
Secured Senior Debt Securities comprising RM60.0 Million nominal value of primary bonds with RM10.08 Million nominal value of non-detachable secondary bonds; and Secured Junior Notes comprising RM140.0 Million nominal value of primary notes together with RM58.8 Million nominal value of non-detachable secondary notes, by MHS Aviation Bhd
Murabahah Notes Issuance Facility and Islamic Medium Term Notes Issuance Facility of up to RM100.0 Million in nominal value by Minetech Resources Berhad
Promissory Notes of RM12.155 Million by MVA Systems Sdn Bhd
The entire funding for the privatisation of Padiberas National Berhad comprising a RM20.0 Million Promissory Note Facility with detachable call options and a RM179,922,600-00 Bank Guarantee Facility convertible to a Term Loan Facility
Redeemable Bank Guaranteed Bonds of RM32.0 Million with TSRs by Paramount Corporation Berhad
Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds with a nominal value of up to RM150.0 Million by Pasdec Holdings Berhad
Redeemable Secured Floating Rate Notes of RM163.992 Million by Pilecon Engineering Berhad
Redeemable Bank Guaranteed Unsecured Bonds of RM28.0 Million with Warrants by Press Metal Berhad
Redeemable Unsecured Bonds of RM120.0 Million with Warrants by Southern Acids (M) Berhad
Floating Rate Notes of RM100.0 Million by United Orix Leasing Berhad
Preference Shares by Wembley Rubber Products (M) Sdn Bhd
Islamic Commercial Papers and Islamic Medium Term Notes of up to RM100.0 Million by Tomei Consolidated Berhad under the Islamic financing principle of Murabahah
Redeemable Convertible Secured Loan Notes of up to RM20,000,000.00 in nominal value by Daya Materials Berhad
Redeemable Convertible Secured Loan Stocks of RM25,675,325.00 in nominal value by SYF Resources Berhad
Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks of up to RM23,153,800 in nominal value by See Hup Consolidated Berhad